Sunday, January 7, 2007

Industrial Radio Podcast

Hey everyone!

It was pointed out to me that not everyone knows what all we have going on here. So here is a quick explanation with lots of links. Everything here is FREE! Just enjoy.

Our main project is Industrial Radio Podcast. Its like a radio show, but we play good music.
The easiest way to listen is to subscribe via iTunes.
Its FREE and all you have to do is click here.

Click here for Industrial Radio Podcast IRP Rocks!.
Click here for Industrial Radio website.
Click here for our IRP Rocks! group.
Click here for our last fm group, which is a cool way to find even more music!

If you have no idea what a podcast is, click here for the Wikipedia entry on podcasting.

IR-Girls is a contest we started just for fun, and to make up for a comment I made on the show a long time ago that not a lot of girls listen to our show, (I was wrong). Be sure to vote for your favorite IRGirl!
You have until the end of the year to enter the contest and/or nominate someone. If you don't know who to nominate just look at our friends here. Read the rules here.

DJ Jonny Rocks is me, the guy who puts it all together. This is my personal IRP Rocks! I started so I can hang with you guys and not talk about just the show. Hey, I am a person too!

I think that about covers it, or at least links it all together. If you have any questions or suggestions just let me know.

Oh, and don't be tripping that this was spam. Its a bulletin sent to all my friends. If you don't want any more, just delete me from your friends :)
(you have to listen to one of our past shows to know what that last comment was about)

Yeah, thats a lot of stuff we have going on!
To keep up with is all we created our own toolbar that works in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Just click the banner below.
And YES there will be a new show before the end of the year. I am sorta on vacation right now.

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