Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vörös és Fekete

Vörös és Fekete
Originally uploaded by Szefi
Vörös és Fekete

köszi bari a címet :)
I had taken this photo and was looking at it in the LCD and doing my little 'I just took the shot of the day' victory dance and I was all caught up in it because it was a deserted alley - or so I thought. Mid-dance I turned and saw a family of ather and 4-5 small children standing in a half-circle behind me, jaws dropped in amazement. I spent a second pondering what the scene must have looked like to them: strange woman standing in front of a naked wall, holding a camera and dancing to herself...

maybe I should see a professional?

Uploaded by Szefi on 22 Jun 09, 3.24PM CDT.

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