Saturday, January 24, 2009

Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume

Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume
By Adam Pash, 11:00 AM on Thu Jan 22 2009, 77,264 views

Whether you're polishing your resume because you've been laid off or you just like to be prepared, weblog Squawkfox suggests six words you should banish from your curriculum vitae.

The six words or phrases described in the post include:

* Responsible for
* Experienced
* Excellent written communication skills
* Team player
* Detail oriented
* Successful

According to the author, these common phrases are problematic because they gloss over what should be an opportunity to demonstrate something specific that you've done. Sure a hiring manager wants you to have experience, but she'd rather know the details. For example:


* Responsible for writing user guides on deadline.


* Wrote six user guides for 15,000 users two weeks before deadline.

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