Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A sense of symmetry...

A sense of symmetry...
Originally uploaded by Ryan Eng
Explore #91 on Nov 25, 2008. Domo Arigato Mr Robotos.

View Large On Black Background.

After a weekend of rainy, cloudy gray skies it was nice to shoot something with out a cloud in the sky. This was taken about 15 minutes after sunset at the Ko'olina marina boat harbor. There's a handful of million dollar boats here. I'm not sure what this building is for but I loved the architecture.

HDR made from 7 exposures then digitally blended 3 other exposures to touch up the sky and lights. I felt it would look better perfectly symmetrical so I just copied the left side, flipped it horrizontally, and positioned it on the right side. Applied a layer for curves, saturation, did a bit of highlight / dodge, and a small unsharp mask on the building.

The original shot with out the symmetrical flip is below.

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