Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Icelandic beacon.

The Icelandic beacon.
Originally uploaded by G.Hjöll.

The Icelandic beacon.

I took this image while in a short drive threw a place called Svalbarðseyri here north of Iceland several days a go. Funny but i was going to throw it away or delete it but something told me other vise.. So now on one day this image is the most popular image here at my site. ! Over 900 views, over 50 favorites and got to be the ten image in Explore do day.. One here sitting and wondering what other images he as deleted from the computer recently.......... Hummm Thanks for all your comments and favorites it´s nice to know that so many like my work. Thanks again. Regards from the snow and cold north of Iceland. Gísli. ;)

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