Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another dumbass

Rosie opening her pie hole to spew crap into the laps of listening moms at home. I hope their children aren't in the same room, there is still time to help them...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Scoping The Scene

Scoping The Scene
Originally uploaded by mikerayburneii.


Originally uploaded by mikerayburneii.

How to do the "cars" Photoshop

Default How to do the "cars" Photoshop
Per Request: Here is a step by step method for how I do the "CARS" chops:

Step 1: Get a photo of your car,something medium resolution is good, if the photo is two low then the cars parts will look odd, if its a crazy detailed RAW file, the final product will look more fake. so heres the photo Im using, Its from the old thread compliments of 04ts:

Step 2: Go to the cars wallpaper site http://www.filmtotaal.nl/module.php?...ew&wid=0317219 and find a car mouth and eyes that suit your picture, It dosent mater if the car is facing left or right, or the perspective angle, we can change all that later, for this chop im using Flo, Open this wallpaper at the highest resolution:

Step 3: with your CARS wallpaper and using the freehand laso (newbies) or pen tool select a large area around the mouth. Make sure you include all the mouth corner lines. this selection dosent have to be perfect.

Step 4: Drag the mouth to your car photograph and set the opacity to around 75%

Step 5: If your mouth is backwards (as in this case) go to the edit menu>transform>flip horizontal. Now comes the hard part: using the transform functions (rotate, scale, and a lot of perspective) drag the mouth around so it covers the area of your front bumper. I find it very easy to use the foglight holes as a refferance, putting the edes of the mouth just a little bit over the inside crease (blue) just make sure you pay attention to the bottom and sides of the mouth (red) and that the perspective of the mouth fits the perspective of the car

step 6: go back to your wallpaper and using the plygonal laso select a general area around the eyes/windshield. again this selection dosent have to be perfect just make sure you're outside the windshield:

Step 8: Drag the eyes over to your photo and set the opacity to 75%. Ok, as with the mouth you have to use the transform tools (rotate, scale, A lot of Perspective) to fit the windshield around your own windshield (pat attention to the perspectives! (blue lines) this will make the differance between something that looks realistic and something that looks stupid) Pay attention to the eyebrows, make sure the color goes all the way to the top corners (red) make sure your eyes

Step 9: hide the visibility of the eyes layer (the little eyeball in the Layers Pallet) and very carefully using the magnetic laso or Pen tool select around the edge of your windshield. you want to select under your windshield wipers. Then go up to the menu Select>Feather and set that to 2 or 3 pixles (a little more if your using a big file)

Step 10: Select the inverse (ctrl+shift+I) and without deselecting anything, click on your CARS eyes, make it visible again (the little eyeball) and press delete. this should trim around the edge and make the eyeballs fit your windshield, Now you can play with the opacity, to preserve the reflections in the windshield I think about 85% is good.

Friday, March 9, 2007

My Island

My Island
Originally uploaded by J.H.C..

The cowboy looks at him wryly and says

A young, well-educated man on a business trip gets on the plane to find himself seated next to an older, weathered man in a western snap shirt, faded jeans and a cowboy hat. Thinking himself above the old cowboy, the young man decides to make sport of him.

"You know," he says, "I've heard these flights go much more quickly if you strike up a conversation with a fellow passenger. So, let's talk."

The cowboy looks at him wryly and says, "Well I s'pose that'd be all right. What would you like to discuss?"
"Oh, I don't know, "says the young man with a hint of sarcasm, "How about nuclear proliferation?"
"Hmm," says the cowboy, sensing the young man's attempt to belittle him, "That could be an interesting topic. But, let me ask you a question first
- horses, cows, and deer all eat the same stuff--grass. Yet, a deer passes little pellets, a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse makes muffins of dried poop. Why do you suppose that is?"

Dumbfounded, the young man replies, "I haven't the slightest idea."

"So tell me then," says the cowboy with a smile, "How is it that you feel qualified to discuss nuclear proliferation when you don't know shit?"

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Main St Arts Festival 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sundance Square Stage (Chisholm Lot)
11:00 AM James Gabriano
12:30 PM Light Crust Doughboys
2:00 PM Maren Morris
3:30 PM Cindy Horstman Jazz Harp Group
5:00 PM Joseph Vincelli
6:30 PM Dave Millsap
8:00 PM Shelby Lynne
10:00 PM Delbert McClinton

WaMu Stage (9th and Main)
11:00 AM Inner City All Stars Brass Band
12:30 PM David Carr, Jr.
2:00 PM 4 Way Street
3:30 PM Party Crashers
5:00 PM Annagrey
6:30 PM Johnny Red & The Roosters
8:00 PM Charlie Sexton
10:00 PM Derailers

Target Performing Arts Stage (5th St.)

The Icelandic beacon.

The Icelandic beacon.
Originally uploaded by G.Hjöll.

The Icelandic beacon.

I took this image while in a short drive threw a place called Svalbarðseyri here north of Iceland several days a go. Funny but i was going to throw it away or delete it but something told me other vise.. So now on one day this image is the most popular image here at my site. ! Over 900 views, over 50 favorites and got to be the ten image in Explore do day.. One here sitting and wondering what other images he as deleted from the computer recently.......... Hummm Thanks for all your comments and favorites it´s nice to know that so many like my work. Thanks again. Regards from the snow and cold north of Iceland. Gísli. ;)

Natures beauty

Natures beauty
Originally uploaded by ucumari.

Hey guys!

Hey guys!
Originally uploaded by ucumari.