Thursday, September 20, 2007

219 ~ nine to one.

219 ~ nine to one.
Originally uploaded by jazoni.

MacAlpine's Soda Fountain

MacAlpine's Soda Fountain
Originally uploaded by cobalt123.

MacAlpine's Soda Fountain

As a dozen of us met for a fine meetup at MacAlpine's Coffee Shoppe for dinner, at this moment I saw the light stream in and jumped up to go for it with my camera. It lasted only about 5 minutes, but the golden glow was just beautiful, especially to highlight the best of this marvelous soda fountain. Thankfully this former Rexall drug store was able to have the interior retained as the stores either side of it enveloped all 3 businesses into a place that now features antiques and collectibles. Be sure to see the other photos that my fellow flickrites have gotten from this outing. Each of us have some real beauties to share. And if you are ever in Phoenix, this is a wonderful place to visit. Thank you to the gracious staff members of MacAlpine's for making our visit joyful.